Property:  Pattern


The Pattern property is used with a RegExp object variable to declare a string search pattern (also known as a regular expression).
MyRegExpObject.Pattern = "red jaguar"

The search pattern can also be a regular expression. Here is a brief introductory list of allowable special characters.
Character Usage
* Matches the previous character zero or more times
+ Matches the previous character one or more times
? Matches the previous character zero or one times
. Matches any single character except the newline
^ Matches the start of the input
$ Matches the end of the input
x|y Matches either first or second character listed
(pattern) Matches pattern
{number} Matches exactly number times
{number,} Matches number, or more, times (note comma)
{num1, num2} Matches at least num1 and at most num2 times
[abc] Matches any character listed between the [ ]
[^abc] Matches all characters except those listed between the [ ]
[a-e] Matches any characters in the specified range (a,b,c,d,e)
[^K-Q] Matches all characters except in the specified range
\ Signifies that the next character is special or a literal.
\b Matches only on a word boundary
\B Matches only inside a word
\d Matches only on a digit
\D Matches only on a non-digit
\f Matches only on a form feed character
\n Matches only on a new line
\r Matches only on a carriage return
\s Matches only on a blank space
\S Matches only on nonblank spaces
\t Matches only on a tab
\v Matches only on a vertical tab
\w Matches only on A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, and _
\W Matches characters other than A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, and _
\number Matches any positive number
\octal Matches any octal number
\xhex Matches any hexadecimal number (x is required)

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