KEYWORDS:  Empty,  False,  New,  Nothing,  Null,  True

Implemented in version 1.0
The Empty keyword is the value that a variable is automatically assigned when it is declared using the Dim statement. It is important to understand that this means that a declared variable does have a value, Empty, even if you have purposely not assigned a value in your code.
You can test whether a variable is empty using the IsEmpty function. Also, Empty is not the same as Null or Nothing.
The False keyword has the value of 0. You can use that value as a basis for testing in conditional statements.
The New keyword is used in conjunction with Set to create an instance of a Class or a RegExp. First, using Dim, you must declare the name of the variable that the instance will be assigned. Then, you can create the instance.
Dim SearchPattern
Set SearchPattern = New RegExp

The Nothing keyword is used to disassociate an object variable from an object. If several object variables refer to the same object, all must be set to Nothing before system resources are released.
You must assign Nothing using the Set keyword.
<% Set YourObject = Nothing %>
The Null keyword indicates that a variable contains no valid data. You can assign a variable the value of Null and use the IsNull() function to test whether a variable is Null. If you print the variable out, the output should be Null.
Also, Null is not the same as Empty or Nothing.
The True keyword has the value of -1. You can use that value as a basis for testing in conditional statements.

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